

Monday December 5th 2022 7pm

Club Holdfast

Holdfast Bowls and Croquet Club, 583 Anzac Highway, Glenelg North



Sarah Andrews MP,  local Member for Gibson

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Submission Budget 2023

Holdfast Bay Council Business Plan 2023

Expectation of homeowners that council will enhance their investments

HBRA welcomes feedback and/or need for clarification of the plan

Increase in Rates: Some valuations increased as high as 40%

Battle for Boothby

As a build up towards the important 2022 Federal election, the Holdfast Bay Residents Alliance decided to organize a Meet the Candidates in Boothby Forum on Wednesday May 4th 2022 at Club Holdfast, the Holdfast Bay Bowls and Crocquet Club. As the electorate of Boothby extends beyond the Holdfast Bay council area, we partnered with the bordering 5049 Coastal Community Association in running the Forum.

The seat of Boothby is the most marginal seat in South Australia and 3rd most marginal seat in Australia, and has been held by the retiring Liberal member Nicole Flint for 6 years. There was a large amount of interest in this event, with Sky News at one stage wanting to make it a live national telecast. Fortunately they did not pursue this date.

So the scene was set with the following 5 candidates being confirmed for the seat as at April 2nd which we advertised widely.


  • Dr Rachel Swift, Liberal Party
  • Louise Miller – Frost, Labor Party
  • Jeremy Carter, Greens Party
  • Jo Dyer, Independent
  • Graeme Clark, United Australia Party

We were surprised that there were many late nominations for the seat received after Easter break and even some on the last official day on April 21st. We did consider adding the additional candidates to the list, but 5 was considered too many to add at this late stage. They were acknowledged on the night as other candidates.

Over 160 people attended the Forum, with most prebooking with Try bookings, and some just turning up. Every chair was taken.

All the candidates were well prepared for their presentations, and most providing information about themselves and why they were standing.

It was good to give our members a chance to meet the individuals behind the faces on the corflute signs which adorn our streets for over a month. I think the Federal election campaign is at least a week too long.

There were not a lot of new policies announced on the night. The Prime Minister visiting the electorate that day which made it a long day for Rachel Swift, and the Opposition Leader was in Boothby earlier in the week, and both announced support for tourism initiatives in conjunction with City of Holdfast Bay.

The standout candidate on the night was Jeremy Carter from the Greens who was drawn to present first, and got asked the toughest question first. He was most impressive.

Dr Rachel Swift from the Liberals and Louise Miller – Frost from Labor were predictably on party lines with their responses. It was good to hear from a fresh voice in Jo Dyer who is standing as an independent.

I was glad that Graeme Clark from the United Australia Party was able to get there.

Members of HBRA were given the opportunity to presend questions and ask them (Q & A style) which were given priority on the night and the remainder of questions came from the floor. 

The candidates and attendees then adjourned to the Bar for some informal and more intense discussions.

Thanks to Maurice Dunstall, HBRA Committee member who stepped in at the last moment to Chair the Forum.

Ken Daly, HBRA President, was unable to attend and Chair due to Covid.

Thanks to the Club Holdfast who sponsored the event, David Bishop from HBRA who strongly supported the event, and Ken Branch and Elena Debez.

Barry Salter

HBRA Secretary


Wednesday November 10th 6.30 pm

Followed immediately by Community Meeting at 7.15pm

Guest Speaker:

The Hon Vickie Chapman MP

Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Planning

The Future for Local Government”


  • Elector Representation Review
  • New initiatives for Local Government Elections
  • Rates levels
  • Planning & Development
  • Heritage issues.
  • Question Time


1st floor, (Lift available)

410 Brighton Road, Hove

Parking available on both sides of oval.

PLEASE BOOK ONLINE: by 4pm on Tuesday November 9th to help us meet COVID protocols.

There is no charge. Limited numbers so please book early.

All residents welcome.

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